Jobs in The Arabian Gulf Countries

Jobs in Arabian Gulf

Here is a website of a head hunter company who search and advertise jobs (mostly professionals) for their customer companies in the Arabian Gulf countries. Here is the website: Good luck! if you are looking for a job in the Arabian Gulf countries. … [Continue reading]

Top Jobs in Demand and Comparatively Safe

Top jobs

Yahoo Education has published some information about the in-demand and comparatively safe jobs in the US. Now this information may not be 100 percent applicable in Pakistan or South Asia but it can tell you the wind direction. You can read the article at this link. … [Continue reading]

Kerry-Lugar Bill For Financial Aid to Pakistan 2009-2013

Kerry Lugar Bill

The United State's Senate  approved legislation on Sept. 24 to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to about $1.5 billion a year for the next five years, 2009-2013. However, some conditions are attached to this aid. This bill was authored by Senators John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Richard Lugar, Republican of Indiana. Discussion on this bill will continue for some time in the press and media. Instead of depending on the newspapers and politicians what they tell you you should read the document (the bill) by yourself and make your own decisions. The document is a little long but it would be worth reading to know the truth. This is the text of the bill as it was approved by the … [Continue reading]

Job Openings

Job Openings

There are many job websites on the internet. And the prospective candidates must be looking into their listings.  However, if we came across any opening for jobs we will list here. We will cover jobs which are available outside Pakistan and mainly in Arabian Gulf countries. So here are some jobs listed on Bapco's website. The Bapco is the national oil company of Bahrain. Job lisitng is available at this link. Click this link. … [Continue reading]

Pervaiz Musharraf is Coming Back to Form His Own Political Party

Pervez musharraf

This is the news or rumour what ever you call it. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari disclosed last week that Pervaiz Musharraf resigned from presidentship as part of a deal. That has created a storm in Pakistani politcal arena. What Zardari has disclosed if it is true then one thing is sure that Saudi Arabia and America are among the guarantors of this deal. Now a days Nawaz Sharif is in Saudi Arabia and he has met King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Earlier Pervaiz Musharraf met the King a couple of weeks ago. It is hard to believe that Nawaz Sharif and other politicians of  Pakistan were not aware of this deal. Nawaz Sharif must have known about this deal since he is quite close to the … [Continue reading]

Suicide Trainee Bombers Captured Along With Weapons in Swat Valley

Suicide Trainee

Pakistan security forces have captured 14 vehicles with 35,000 kilograms of explosive material along with other military hardware in Swat Valley today July 27, 2009. Operational commander has also claimed arrest of nine people and several children trained for suicide bombing attacks. This news is reported by Dawn. I think the important information which is missing from this news item is, what was make and origin of those vehicles, military hardware and explosives. Who were the people, what was their nationality. Capturing of this stuff and people is half the story. The concerned authorities should update the nation with full information. In fact they should show all the stuff on TV … [Continue reading]

Visitors To Pakistan Forum – Top 10 Countries

visitor to pakistan forum

Following are the top 10 countries from the visitors come to Pakistan Forum website. Pakistan. United States. United Kingdom. India. Canada. Spain. United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia. Australia. Russian Federation. … [Continue reading]