Eight to ten thousands person are missing in Pakistan as per Maulana Fazalur Rahman's statement of today. Few months back Rahman Malik, Interior Minister was claiming and following up some where between 1200 and 1500 missing persons. Let us go back a little further. During Pervaiz Musharraf's time opposition leaders were claiming thousands of people have been handed over to United States by Pervaiz Musharraf in exchange for money. All these political leaders were saying with such a confidence as they have a proof of it. Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudary, Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court was issuing suo moto every day to officials of Ministry of Interior of the government of … [Continue reading]
Taliban Claims Karachi Bombings
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has announced yesterday and accepted the responsibility for the Karachi suicide bombing that killed 43 people and left more than 80 injured on December 28, 2009 Reuters reported. A TTP commander said more attacks will be launched in the next 10 days. … [Continue reading]
Sindhi Topi And Ajrak are Insignia of Pakistan – Aitzaz Hassan
Today Aitzaz Hassan in a statement during a press conference called at his home said Sindhi Topi and Ajrak are symbols of Pakistan. Does Mr. Aitzaz Hassan wanted to say that Sindh is Pakistan now? We could not understand any other meaning of his statement. … [Continue reading]
Rahman Malik Seeks Fatwa Against Terrorists
After the attack of terrorists on a mosque in Parade Lane (Rawalpindi) on Friday, Rahman Malik Interior Minister asked Pakistani Ulema to give a fatwa against terrorists. He also wants the fatwa should say that they are not Muslims. Maulana Muneeb Rehman on GEO TV and other Ulema and Maulvies and Mullahs are making statements that according to Qura'an and Hadith "anybody who killed one person he killed whole human beings". Barak Obama, also referred to this Quranic teachings in his address in Cairo. The question is when Christians and Qadianis were murdered within the boundaries of Islamic Republic of Pakistan at that time no A'alim, no Maulvi and no Mullah said anything about these … [Continue reading]
Can The President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari Be Prosecuted?
Aitzaz Ahsan and some other people who call themselves experts say that president Asif Ali Zardari can not be prosecuted while he is in the office. It may be right, it may not be right. That is not the question. The question is there are all indications and many people who are in the know said very openly that there were solid evidences against in the money laundering case in UK, SGS bribery case in Switzerland and misconduct in the food for oil case in Spain. So after that did Asif Ali Zardari has any moral ground to hold such a high office? These were the cases which were outside Pakistan. There were many cases within Pakistan. A long list of those allegations are listed in the NRO … [Continue reading]
South Korea Singed Free Trade Agreement With India
South Korea's National Assembly has ratified a free trade deal with India that promises to slash tariffs on goods and services between two of the Asia's biggest economies. The bill will officially be known as Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The Bill is passed by a margin of 192-0, with five abstentions in the 298-seat National Assembly. The two countries will abolish or cut tariffs for 90 percent of Indian goods in terms of value and 85 percent of South Korean products. … [Continue reading]