Why Pakistan Could Not Achieve The Success Other Nations Have Achieved, Nawaz Sharif?

Nawaz Sharif issued a statement yesterday (13 Auguts 2015) on the occasion of Independence Day of Pakistan.  Besides the conventional verbose he asked a question that ‘this is also the time to think why we could not achieve the same type of success as other nations’.

It means he does not know.

As far as Nawaz Sharif himself and his family is concerned they have achieved success probably more than or at least equal to any leader of any third world country.

In Pakistan he has been three times prime minister of Pakistan and he or his brother Shahbaz Sharif have been chief minister of Punjab, the largest province of the country  for more than six times. And he is asking the people of Pakistan why we could not achieve the same kind of success like other countries.

This is one of the root cause of the problems that Pakistani leaders don’t know and don’t have the capacity to think either the problems or their solutions. Forget about preventing the problems to happen at the first place. There are many other also

If Nawaz Sharif or other political leaders know the problems then their priorities are different that is why Pakistan could not achieve the level of success other countries have achieved.

Their only priority is to take care of themselves and their buddies.

If you starts working backward the causes of not standing Pakistan at the row of the countries are many:

Moral Corruption and Bankruptcy of the leadership
Financial Corruption
No Goal or Focus for the development of the country
No effective justice system
Actually, all these causes are interrelated, and there are many more.

This is just a food for thought for you. Make a list of the reason you think we are at the bottom of the list of the countries but we are at the top of the moral and financial corrupt countries. You can share your thoughts in the comments here.



Why Pakistan Could Not Achieve The Success Other Nations Have Achieved, Nawaz Sharif?
Why Pakistan Could Not Achieve The Success Other Nations Have Achieved, Nawaz Sharif?
About Pakistani

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